QUICHE WITHOUT DOUGH easy to make recipe

Dr Sakouhi


During the week, I always like to make a quiche recipe, it's quick, it keeps really well and it's ideal to take to work!

Today I offer you a quiche without dough with beans, bacon and broccoli!

Beans go wonderfully with broccoli and bacon in this recipe and it's a great way to enrich it with fiber, for a good satisfying meal 😋
And then, you have to eat legumes at least twice a week!

🥚 3 eggs
🥛 200ml milk
🌾 70g flour
🥦 200g broccoli florets
🌱 100g cooked and drained broad beans (canned or in a jar)
🥓 100g bacon
🧀 20g of grated cheese Salt, pepper

1. Preheat the oven to 180C.

2. In a skillet, cook the bacon. Reserve it and cook the broccoli florets in the same pan.
3. In a bowl, beat the eggs with the flour. Add the milk gradually. Salt and pepper to taste.
4. In a mold lined with baking paper (or buttered or oiled) pour the diced bacon, the broccoli florets and the broad beans. 5. Pour in the quiche mixture, sprinkle with cheese.
6. Bake the quiche for 30 minutes.
7. You can serve the quiche hot or cold.


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